Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fears Freedom and Faith

Three things we all have... Fears, whatever those may be. Freedom, which we have much of. And Faith, whatever that faith might be in, we have it.

I was thinking about my fears the other day, which by the way are rediculous and totally unecessary, but fears none the less. Let me tell you what some of those fears are, you might laugh, you might agree, whatever.

I am super scared of spiders and centipedes (typical). I am afraid of the unknown... just like many of you. I like to know what to expect with every situation. And I am deathly afraid of the water and anything that lives in it. That including sea weed, little fish, turtles, whales, sharks, sea horses, and submarines...
Those are my most serious fears, and like I said, as odd as those may be, are major stressors in my life.
I recently had a bad dream that someone was trying to teach me to surf. We were paddling out into the ocean, going under water as the waves were passing over us. And we were getting further and further out. I was not scared, and I had not looked back... until it was time to turn around and ride a wave back towards shore. We were out so far! It was insane. And I paniced. I looked ahead of me, behind me, and under me. I saw something in the water, it was worse than a shark, whale and submarine combined! I have no idea what it was, but I paddled back to shore as fast as I could. My heart was racing so much I could really feel it. I woke up to a rediculously fast heart rate and cold sweat... not my favorite way to wake up.

In the morning on my way to work is a daily quite time with God, and as I was praying I thought about that dream. I then felt God revealing my freedoms to me.
We have so many freedoms that we never think about. We have the freedom to work a job of our choice, of course that doesn't mean we all enjoy our jobs, but hopefully we do! I have a roof over my head, and a roof of my choice at that! I have the freedom to surf the internet on my personal laptop, the freedom to call or text whoever I want on my cell phone. I have the freedom to talk to who I want and befriend who I want. I have the freedom to dress how I want. Believe in a God that I want, pray how I want, worship how I want, have a home church of my choice. I can go to school if I want, but I have the freedom to not. I can leave this country if I want, and I can come back afterwards if I want.
With these many freedoms though, we get so much stress. We worry about everything don't we?

I really felt God trying to tell me something at this point, but what?

When we put our faith in Him, we give up our worldly freedoms and we gain so much more. We tell God we are His, and we will do what He wants when He wants. We are giving Him total control of our lives. We give up our freedoms, and we hate that don't we? We like control and we like being able to do what we want. But those worldy freedoms are nothing, why hold on to them?

So, what awesome thing happens when we do this? We know that we don't have to worry about the unknown, because God is in control. We can curb all our fears, because with our amazing God in control, what the heck would we have to worry about? When He has our back, we are a whole new kind of free.

This was just something I have been thinking about and wanted to share with you. I hope you enjoyed reading.


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