Thursday, May 7, 2009

My near death experience

I almost died today. You all could have never heard from me again. My last post would have been all you have to remember me by.... If it had not been for Hunter Ray. He saved my life today. What a hero.

Today I had to go to Target to get a few things, and I brought the boys with. Hunter sat in the front with me, and Cole in the back. We were just on Elton Hills, literally just turned off our street and had the windows down and getting a good song on, when this experience changed my life....

A bee flew in my window and landed in the front pocket of my bag. It was a big nasty bee with a giant stinger. I am not allergic to bees or anything, but my dad is... so maybe I am? But either way, I do not like them. I have been stung by bees countless times and each time I cry a little. What can I say, I am sensitive.
So, I start freaking out and nearly screaming as I see this bee trying to move around in my bag that is still over my shoulder and on the seat right next to me. I am trying to explain to the very distraught looking Hunter what is going on while he watches the road intently making sure that I am not swerving into oncoming traffic.
I finally get the words out that a big nasty bee is stuck in my purse and before I can finish what I am saying he has my bag in his lap and he is smashing it in every possible place for a bee to be hiding. He has zipped up the pocket it was in and just starts whaling on it!
I am by this point out of breath but still finding it in me to crack up at the scene of Hunter beating my bag.
All this time, Cole is in the back seat looking at us as if we are on crack.
This all happened in about a minute, we were no more than a few blocks from the house. And about half way to the light, Hunter slowly opens the pocket to peak in. He then yells "It's still alive!!?!" And zips it up again and this time, he not only smashes, but yells at the bee to die! Keep in mind, we are driving on a busy Elton Hills with our windows down, and people around us are also, like Cole, looking at us like we are a bunch of crazies.
But this time, with all of Hunters yelling and smashing, he killed that stupid bee. He then took it out of my bag and threw it out the window, thus saving my life.

I hope this story inspires you to not take life for granted. Anyday could be our last. Just as today was almost mine.


  1. This is hilarious!!

    Ebby Ray

  2. O MY GOSH!!! I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. At first, I start reading this all concerned, and then you go and pull that. The image of Hunter opening the bag and seeing the bee still alive made me laugh so hard! O Diane, I love you and am very glad yo are still alive. :P

  3. I am so glad you enjoyed it. This story makes me laugh to just remembering it! :)


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