Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's about being humane vs merciless

These two little paragraphs are from an awesome article that I read and that I actually agree with very much. You need to check out the article. I don't care what side of the political spectrum you find yourself residing on. It seems absurd to agree with sb1070 after reading this... especially if you call yourself christian.

To what extent are our attitudes towards immigrants shaped by materialism? As aliens and
strangers in this world, what is the theological basis for acting as though America were our property
and we can hence deny access to it? Are we being overly possessive of our lifestyle or standard of
Is the fear of running out of limited resources justifiable? How can we say that there is not enough
to go around in America? Are we more concerned with the pursuit of affluence than meeting the
basic human needs of all human beings?

Here is the link for the whole thing

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