Sunday, July 11, 2010

There are two types of people in the world...

So I've been getting a lot of crap on my religious views lately. I don't sit in my chair, look down on you, and tell you "you're wrong," so why do you do it to me?

There is no proof of anything, so you really can't tell me I am wrong. How do you know 100% that you are right? 
Christians don't bother me in general, there are two types that bother me. And these two types have completely turned me off of the idea of calling myself a christian. They have been at it for years. I have never voiced my true feelings about this religion until recently, these feelings are nothing new, they are just newly voiced.
I want to explain my feelings in a calm manner when I am not frustrated by anyone in particular at the moment when I blog. So, here is to the two kinds of christians that bug me. 

To those of you who are really charismatic and make people feel uncomfortable-
I feel like making everyone around you uncomfortable is no way to go about showing them gods love. I have an example of this in my life. There is someone who likes to push their views on me. They pray in tongues every time I say something that doesn't line up with their religious views. All I can think about when they do that, is that is sounds like they are placing a curse on me. If there is no one around to interpret what you are saying while you speak in "tongues" they don't do it. You make everyone around you without "faith" uncomfortable. And I am sure it isn't necessary.
Then when I told the person that it makes me upset when they do that every time I say something... what did they say? "It wouldn't make you uncomfortable if you were a forerunner for god." REALLY??!? You are a forerunner eh? And god tells you everything you sit here and preach at me? Oh, there are only 12 of you chosen forerunners? That's amazing. Good for you. I am sure you haven't lost your mind. That all sounds really legit. And not only does it sound legit, but it also sounds like you are in no way telling me you are better than me. Awesome.

The second kind, are the hypocrites. Did y'all know the meaning of the word christian? You should if you are going to call yourself one. 
In greek, the word christianos means follower of christ and christianos came from the word christos, which means anointed one. All you christians are calling yourselves anointed christ followers. I hope you aren't giving "christian" a bum rap. That would be unfortunate for the christ followers that are living out their lives as christ does in the bible. 
The reason I wanted to take that rabbit trail for a minute is to emphasize my frustration with hypocritical christians. The christ I remember finding myself mesmerized with, was someone who lived a life of love. He was just, but loving. He reminded people that it was not their place to judge others. 
Here is a passage from Luke that I took from, this is from The Message.

37-38"Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don't condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you'll find life a lot easier. Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity."
 39-40He quoted a proverb: "'Can a blind man guide a blind man?' Wouldn't they both end up in the ditch? An apprentice doesn't lecture the master. The point is to be careful who you follow as your teacher.
 41-42"It's easy to see a smudge on your neighbor's face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, 'Let me wash your face for you,' when your own face is distorted by contempt? It's this I-know-better-than-you mentality again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your own part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor.

It's interesting to me how many christians forget this parable. I think they just don't like it and decide to pretend they forgot about it. Because what fun is it to be equals when you can be above someone right?

Part of my hiatus from christianity, is because I see too many non-christians living lives that I can imagine would bring god more glory that the lives of so many "christians" I know. 
I believe in love. And when I see more christians living out lives of love instead of lives of judgment on others, I will consider affiliating myself with the religion again. 
Until then, I will continue to explore different religions by reading books and articles, and talking to people about their views. I don't think I will go to hell for that. But if I do, I guess I am no closer than I am right now.


  1. Wow... someone calling Christians hypocrites. How original.

  2. Coming from someone who wanted to be a missionary, was a leader in the youth groups at two different churches for over 5 years, worked at a church for two years, and volunteered for two churches (separate from the youth groups) for over 5 years as well... I would say this is slightly different than your average person pointing a finger at the church saying "you suck."

  3. Or it's the very same lack of basic understanding of the human condition. Firstly, humans are imperfect beings. Christians or not. Secondly, Christians are redeemed "already," but will not experience the full redemption of Christ "yet" until He returns. You can point the finger at them all day, but they are nothing but a scapegoat for your own lack of will and desire to endure the faith.

    Don't get me wrong, I could list hundreds of criticisims for the Church. Theology, tradition, etc. But the "they're just a bunch of hypocrites" line sounds like a typical tween going through their rebellious stage.

  4. Hey Diane,
    I miss seeing your smile! I've been reading your blog off and on and I understand your frustration...especially with this that you wrote.

    I don't know the specific names that you are referring to or who you are actually talking about but I do know the type of people that you are talking about. I am not perfect, in any way either...

    However, I do find it hard to hear people that say they are Christians talk they way they do sometimes...not only about other people but even just the words that they choose to use. One person recently even was talking about a certain group of people in a derogatory way that I would not be able to say in public, let alone in church, just on the premise that it was wrong to say and that God would not want you talking like that. All the people at church that swear like it isn't anything bad...and I'm talking about those that work at a church...that is not the example the God set for us, so why is that the behavior that people are showing when they call themselves a Christian? I had one person say recently that, "this is how I talk in the church and how I talk when I'm not in the church." They almost made it sound like it was ok since they are showing the same person in and out of church. I'm glad that they aren't two-faced but still not sure that these are the actions that God intended for Christians.

    Diane, I understand...I've been there...I took a break for a few years and am still trying to figure things out and have questions. I know that I won't ever figure things out because I won't ever have all the answers. I get frustrated though too and know that I just need to try to follow the example at what God set for us and do my best. I won't be perfect, never will be and will make mistakes...but I know that I can control my tongue and that the actions and words that some use in, out and around the church are not appropriate and are not what God had intended for those that say that they are Christians.

  5. I totally agree with you, Diane. What breaks my heart is that the self-righteousness and hypocrasy of the Christian faiths has become offensive to those that don't yet know Jesus. It pushes them away from Jesus. I don't even call myself a Christian anymore. I am part of the Jesus Movement : )

    Hang in there. Own your place on earth. Your existence matters. We are vital to the good of God. Jesus loves you.

  6. To anonymous,
    If you know me, then you don't know me very well. And if you don't, I wouldn't compare me to a typical tween going through a rebellious stage... I may only be 21, but I can tell you, I have seen a lot in my few years and gone through some things that no one should have to. I am not your typical 21 year old, and I am not just saying that, I have been told that.

    Jessica! I miss seeing your smiling face around as well! Thanks for reading my blog. I appreciate it. I know exactly what you are talking about within the church. It is really frustrating for me as well. Love can be hard, but it is such a simple concept that it is hard for me to be easy on christians that act holier than thou anyway.
    I have not dismissed the idea of god completely, and I don't plan to. But this break I am taking, and what I see could change a lot about my ideas on faith and religion.

    Kari, thank you so much for what you said. I 100% agree with it. Christians need to live every day what they believe their savior lived. If they are not living what they believe, then they are going to push anyone away from christianity. It's as simple as that.
    And thank you for saying my existence matters. I have not heard that before, but I like it.

  7. Hi Diane - I miss you!!!!

    It is good for you to question and evaluate, and step away from situations to gain insight. I spent one summer at a resort on the Canadian border to get away from the church and people that I was involved with.

    I do want to share my verse of the year though... it is from the last chapter of John. In verse 21 Peter asks Jesus "what about him?" (referring to another disciple) Jesus answered him by saying "what if I want.... for him? What is that to you? You follow me."

    I can almost feel the hands of Jesus on my face, turning my face toward him, to look straight into his eyes. I have to stop looking at everyone else. It is about me and Him... only.

    Love you!!!!!!!


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