Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Ok, prepare yourself, this sounds like a joke. But it is not. I was not under the influence of anything when this momentous occasion occurred. I also want to state for the record, that I am not under the influence of anything right now. But I will shortly be partaking in the drinking of a delicious beer. But note, I said one. And one beer alone could not make this up.

Today, I woke up at 4am thinking I had to be at work by 5:30, so when biking, I give myself an hour for this all uphill endeavor. Then, I checked my email, and to my surprise, I noticed I didn't have to be in until 7! Alas, more sleep was in my very near future! So, I went back to bed.
Upon waking up, I was 10 minutes behind schedule, which is not good when I don't give myself any extra time. So, I got my stuff, and sped away on my way to work. I was doing fine with time, but then as if from a dream, I saw it.

A jackalope. Yes, you can read correctly, it does say a jackalope. For the sake of the seriousness behind this blog post, I will even give you a legit definition for this not so mythical creature.
The jackalope — also called an antelabbit, aunt benny, Wyoming thistled hare or stagbunny — in  folklore is said to be a cross between a jackrabbit and an antelope (hence the name), goat, or deer, and is usually portrayed as a rabbit with antlers. Some believe that the tales of jackalopes were inspired by sightings of rabbits infected with the Shope papillomavirus, which causes the growth of horn- and antler-like tumors in various places on the rabbit's head and body.
I do not appreciate the word folklore since this is real. But that is the definition.

Now back to more important things, like my encounter with this here jackalope. I was riding my bike on Radio Dr in Woodbury, it was approximately 6:40am, and I was between Bailey and Lake Rd. When out of the corner of my eye, I saw a little rabbit. Cute right?
No. At first glance, I thought it had a little brown afro. Which would be sweet! But upon slowing down and looking closer, I noticed that is was in fact a tangled mess of horns upon this rabbits head. I watched it while biking by and was simply amazed, but since I was 10 minutes behind schedule, I had to keep hurrying to work. Otherwise, I would have fished out my phone to try to take a picture.
Anyway, I kid you not. This is no laughing matter. , Jakalopes are legit, and this was the second sighting of a jakalope in my family. My brother saw one when he was about 8 I believe. He was at a wedding shower or something to that effect when he noticed a funny looking bunny. He ran to my mom to tell her, but she didn't believe him. He was very insistent upon the fact that he saw a funny looking bunny. When she got up to look, she noticed that, yes, the bunny was funny looking. Why you may ask? Uh, because it had horns! Soon a bunch of people from the party were gathering around and looking at it and taking pictures. If I wasn't lazy and knew how to scan something and post it, I would post the picture we have of it. But that would also require me to go through a few thousand pictures to find it. It doesn't seem worth it.

But that is all for today, it was a very exciting morning. And all I want, is to share this excitement with you! I hope you enjoyed.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

There are two types of people in the world...

So I've been getting a lot of crap on my religious views lately. I don't sit in my chair, look down on you, and tell you "you're wrong," so why do you do it to me?

There is no proof of anything, so you really can't tell me I am wrong. How do you know 100% that you are right? 
Christians don't bother me in general, there are two types that bother me. And these two types have completely turned me off of the idea of calling myself a christian. They have been at it for years. I have never voiced my true feelings about this religion until recently, these feelings are nothing new, they are just newly voiced.
I want to explain my feelings in a calm manner when I am not frustrated by anyone in particular at the moment when I blog. So, here is to the two kinds of christians that bug me. 

To those of you who are really charismatic and make people feel uncomfortable-
I feel like making everyone around you uncomfortable is no way to go about showing them gods love. I have an example of this in my life. There is someone who likes to push their views on me. They pray in tongues every time I say something that doesn't line up with their religious views. All I can think about when they do that, is that is sounds like they are placing a curse on me. If there is no one around to interpret what you are saying while you speak in "tongues" they don't do it. You make everyone around you without "faith" uncomfortable. And I am sure it isn't necessary.
Then when I told the person that it makes me upset when they do that every time I say something... what did they say? "It wouldn't make you uncomfortable if you were a forerunner for god." REALLY??!? You are a forerunner eh? And god tells you everything you sit here and preach at me? Oh, there are only 12 of you chosen forerunners? That's amazing. Good for you. I am sure you haven't lost your mind. That all sounds really legit. And not only does it sound legit, but it also sounds like you are in no way telling me you are better than me. Awesome.

The second kind, are the hypocrites. Did y'all know the meaning of the word christian? You should if you are going to call yourself one. 
In greek, the word christianos means follower of christ and christianos came from the word christos, which means anointed one. All you christians are calling yourselves anointed christ followers. I hope you aren't giving "christian" a bum rap. That would be unfortunate for the christ followers that are living out their lives as christ does in the bible. 
The reason I wanted to take that rabbit trail for a minute is to emphasize my frustration with hypocritical christians. The christ I remember finding myself mesmerized with, was someone who lived a life of love. He was just, but loving. He reminded people that it was not their place to judge others. 
Here is a passage from Luke that I took from, this is from The Message.

37-38"Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don't condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you'll find life a lot easier. Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity."
 39-40He quoted a proverb: "'Can a blind man guide a blind man?' Wouldn't they both end up in the ditch? An apprentice doesn't lecture the master. The point is to be careful who you follow as your teacher.
 41-42"It's easy to see a smudge on your neighbor's face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. Do you have the nerve to say, 'Let me wash your face for you,' when your own face is distorted by contempt? It's this I-know-better-than-you mentality again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your own part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor.

It's interesting to me how many christians forget this parable. I think they just don't like it and decide to pretend they forgot about it. Because what fun is it to be equals when you can be above someone right?

Part of my hiatus from christianity, is because I see too many non-christians living lives that I can imagine would bring god more glory that the lives of so many "christians" I know. 
I believe in love. And when I see more christians living out lives of love instead of lives of judgment on others, I will consider affiliating myself with the religion again. 
Until then, I will continue to explore different religions by reading books and articles, and talking to people about their views. I don't think I will go to hell for that. But if I do, I guess I am no closer than I am right now.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Today whilst biking to work at 4:30 in the morning, I was thinking about things I find to be exceptionally beautiful. Then all day, when I would see something or think of something, I just kept adding to my mental list. And this is what I came up with.

Birds in pairs. I love how they always manage to find each other and fly together. Its beautiful the picture of commitment that they paint. You don't see commitment much anymore. The divorce rate for first marriages alone is over 40%, and it only goes up with each marriage after that. Its sick how bad people are at getting married. But with birds, you see them fly up and go separate directions, but they always fly towards each other. And that is why I find birds in pairs to be beautiful.

Tomatoes. I think they are beautiful. Why? I don't know. 
I love how many different kinds there are. There are so many colors and shapes and sizes, and they are all so closely related. For some reason, I find that to be exceptionally beautiful.  

Families. Not all of them. But the rare family that truly loves and cherishes each other. They are together through thick and thin. They show each other their love with their words and actions. This my friends, is a thing of beauty. 

When children call their parent daddy or mommy. For some reason it always makes my heart smile. 

Adoption. There is a woman who comes into work on Saturday mornings with her daughter that she adopted. She has given up so much, but it is all so worth it. There are too many kids in the world without families that I think, why wouldn't someone adopt? Even if you are not adopting from another country, just taking in someone who needs a family, is a beautiful thing. When someone can think of another family as their own, and know that they will always be, I find this to be a true picture of love. 

The morning air. It is heavy with dew, but crisp and cool. This is the time of day that everyone needs to experience. Don't sleep in all the time, go outside before the sun rises, and be as quiet and still as the air. Watch the sunrise. You will never regret it. 

Laughter. Always amazing. I don't care why you are laughing, (as long as it isn't hurting someone else), and as long as it is real. When people laugh, I feel like they are showing, for a brief moment, their transparent side. Making someone laugh feels great, and almost always, a best friend is someone who makes you laugh. Why? Because it feels good and is beautiful! We all need to laugh more. 

That's all for today. There are a million beautiful things in the world. Sometimes we just need to slow down and see them.

Friday, July 9, 2010

I need someone to interpret my dreams!

I have been having some seriously crazy dreams... They are so strange. I go through phases where I have weird dreams like this though. So I will tell them to you and for those of you who can interpret dreams, let me know what you think. These are in order of the nights I had them.

I was about 8 months pregnant and in a relationship with someone that I have shared nothing more than a kiss with. But I really love this person and I don't think they will ever love me back. I've been thinking about them a lot lately and I just want to get over them. But it isn't looking like I will anytime soon.

Then the next night it was that my little Joey was having a kid as well. Crazy considering he is only 16. I would kick him in the crotch if I found out he knocked up some girl. Not cool Joe! Keep it in your pants!

Next I had a dream that I was getting married. It was a legit wedding dream! It fully weirded me out. I was in my dress (which I looked fabulous in!) and about to walk down the aisle. I got nervous and my sister told me not to be nervous because the relationship was perfect and I shouldn't be nervous about sharing my life with this person. But as soon as it was time to walk, I couldn't because I was just too scared.

Ok, this one sucks. I was at a funeral with my new boyfriend who happened to be a guy I met that day at Champs... It was a distant family members funeral and we had to go to another funeral right after this one. I was getting annoyed though because Tyrone kept calling me his white sugar and being all touchy-feely in front of my dad. I was pissed and then my dad made a comment about me dumping the mexican. I told him, "dad, he is obviously black" and he said, "same thing." It was weird. So I got mad and we were going to head out to the next funeral and I told him it was important that I go because it was Kathy Griffin's funeral and I just love her. Then my dad told me it was not her funeral but my grandmas. Then I woke up.
I think I cried from this one considering my grama is one of my favorite people in the world.

Ok, that is it so far. I am afraid to go to bed at night out of fear of what dreams I will have. There have been a few other weird ones, but I can't remember them like I did these ones. 

So, if you have any insight, shoot it my way! I am curious what people think.

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